Parent & Student Handbook
Parent & Student Handbook
Mission Statement
Our mission is to encourage exceptional students in grades 1 through 12 to reach their highest potential in a relaxed, low-stress Christian environment. We nurture individual learning styles and develop students’ strengths while addressing specific learning needs. Our goal is to improve students’ quality of life through academic, physical, emotional, cultural, social, and spiritual growth.
Small Classroom Instruction
LD Students
- Students with dyslexia receive specialized instruction in small classes.
- Reading and math are taught intensively, in a structured format, with a low teacher-to-student ratio.
- Teachers use multi-sensory methods to support student learning.
- Our curricula are research-backed and highly recommended for students with learning differences.
- Reading instruction is provided through the Wilson Reading System, which is based on Orton-Gillingham methods and uses a multi-sensory, systematic approach to phonemic awareness, spelling, and reading comprehension.
- Other subjects are taught using a variety of curricula, including Teaching Textbooks Math, Drops in the Bucket, Houghton Mifflin, AGS, and Holt McDougal.
ESL Students
- ESL students may choose to transition into another school or graduate from BCLS.
- Transitional students are given the opportunity to learn to speak, read, and write English before enrolling in a traditional school. At least two years is recommended.
- ESL students learn to read English with the Wilson Reading System and Pearson Longman ESL materials.
Educational Goals and Objectives
(Grades 1-12 including ESL & LD)
Brookwood Christian School Strives to…
- Provide intensive small-class instruction (that is appropriate, research-based, and high quality) for 1st – 12th grade students who struggle in reading in a regular classroom setting.
- Provide an appropriate learning environment for students with language-based learning differences that include but are not limited to dyslexia, visual and/or auditory processing problems, and English as a Second Language.
- Provide a structured environment that still allows for discovery learning and integration of all subjects.
- Provide guidance for social skills, goal setting, self-regulation, coping skills, study skills, etc.
Provide a learning environment that allows movement for students who need to move in order to learn. - Provide a safe, nurturing, low-stress, learning environment for children with learning disabilities.
- Provide parents of children with learning disabilities support, resources, and educational opportunities for them and their children.
All students will receive intensive instruction in reading/language arts and math.
- Reading instruction for dyslexic or English Language Learners will use the Wilson Reading System and other appropriate reading programs. Instruction for students with comprehension difficulties will incorporate AGS Pearson Longman books, Visualizing and Verbalizing, and other suitable programs. All students will study novels, and Language Arts classes will emphasize writing, grammar, and Latin roots, prefixes, and suffixes.
- Math instruction is based on hands-on methods, and the math curriculum includes Teaching Textbooks, Drops in the Bucket by Frog publications, and Houghton Mifflin Math.
- Reading and math groups will be organized by student ability levels.
- Through the thematic units in history and science, students will learn to respect God’s creation: people, animals, and the earth. BCS is non-denominational, non judgemental, and employs teachers from all denominations.
- All courses and curricula fulfill Georgia’s performance standards. However, most students will not perform on grade level, and may not be able to fulfill the standards for their chronological age or grade level. Our primary purpose is to meet the child’s needs rather than impose a developed structure upon their education.
- The type of diploma a child receives depends on the coursework they are able to complete. Brookwood offers Tech Prep and College Prep programs.
- All teachers must hold at least a bachelor’s degree or higher and have at least 18 hours credit in their teaching field.
- Teachers are trained in the curriculum and methods used at Brookwood through workshops or private consultants.
- Background checks are run on everyone on campus, including volunteers.
- Teachers must uphold professional educational ethics at all times.
- Their primary responsibility is the welfare, dignity, and education of each student.
- They must also maintain appropriate relationships with others at school and in the community by promoting mutual respect with students, parents, and co-workers.
Student/Parent Policies
Hours of Operation
- School is in session from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Staff members will be at the school as early as 7:30 A.M. for drop off.
- Please make sure students are on time and ready to begin at 9:00.
- Please be in the carpool line at dismissal time.
- Parents will be charged $10 if a child is picked up after 3:15. After 3:30 the cost is $1 per minute. The charge will automatically be added to your balance in FACTS.
- Please form a line with cars.
- In order to ensure child safety, please do not pass other cars in line.
- We ask all children to walk and enter the car on the passenger side. However, children sometimes run from their cars as other cars begin to pull around.
- If you plan to leave your car unattended, please park in a designated space, turn off the engine, remove the keys and lock all doors.
- In order to expedite the morning carpool process, please have your children ready for drop off.
- Please avoid conferring with teachers during drop off and pick up, as they are responsible for student safety at this time.
- Please send a note to your child’s teacher anytime there is a change in your regular carpool arrangements. We will not release children without proper verification and identification.
Student Drivers
- Students must complete a driver’s contract with their parents and the school before they can park on campus.
Early Pick-Up
- When you pick up your child early from school, you must check them out and pick them up from Ms. Danielle or Ms. Beth.
Inclement Weather
- Brookwood Christian School will not hold school when there is a hazardous situation on the roads. We will follow the Cobb County School closings.
Custody Policy
- Copies of custody papers or of guardianship must be on file in the school office if you have a custody agreement regarding your child.
- Unless we have official documentation on file, the school cannot prevent a parent listed on the birth certificate from picking up a child.
Meals and Snacks
- Parents are to provide a nutritional lunch and snacks for their children.
- Protein snacks are encouraged for students with ADHD.
- Understanding that too much homework can be counterproductive and take away from family time, minimal homework is required. However, if your child is in a college prep high school program, more homework will be required.
- Many of our students attend church, take sports classes, belong to clubs, and go to therapy or tutoring appointments after school. These activities are encouraged and make homework difficult.
- For students who need homework, it will be assigned based on their individual needs and abilities. Also, when students do not finish their work in class, they will be asked to complete it at home.
Textbooks, Workbooks, and Supplies
All supplies and books are property of the school and must be treated with care. Parents will be billed for lost or damaged books. The application fee of $300 goes toward consumable materials and workbooks. It is not refundable.
School Pictures
- Please watch for notices and purchase price information regarding photographs of individual children and classroom groups.
- A local professional photographer will take school pictures in the fall.
- A basic set of photos will be included with tuition, but parents may order more from the photographer.
Dress Code
- Students have daily exercise and should be dressed in comfortable clothing that is appropriate for physical activity: comfortable, safe, and modest.
- As a general guideline, no skin tight clothing, and skin or under garments should never be visible between the top of the chest and the mid thighs, even during exercise or play.
- Shoes: No high heels (over 1.5 inches) or flip flops. Students go for long walks and go outside up to three times daily.
- Bottoms (pants, shorts, skirts): Leggings and jeggings or other skin tight bottoms must be worn with a shirt that covers the bottom. No holes or slits that show skin above the knees. Shorts and skirts must be a minimum of 5 inches.
- Tops: Nothing skin-tight, low cut, sheer or see-through. Printed shirts should display positive messages and should be appropriate for school/work settings.
- Students should not wear jewelry or clothing that has questionable printed material, that is suggestive, advertises illegal activity or products, or is otherwise deemed inappropriate by staff.
- In order to avoid disruptions, students should avoid controversial (including political) and ideological expressions in their clothing, jewelry, hats, dress accessories, stickers on textbooks, other personal items, school property, etc.
Prohibited Items
- The use of tobacco products, possession or use of drugs (illegal or legal), or alcoholic beverages is prohibited on school grounds.
- Students of any age are not allowed to have weapons on campus, even in cars.
- During school, phones are to be kept in a locker, or car.
- Students who do not drive to school have no need for phones at school. Those who do drive, should turn phones off while at school.
- Please do not text your child during school hours. If you need to send your child a message, please text Danielle’s or Beth’s desk number.
- Your child can also text you from her phone as needed.
- The school will not police content (social media: texting, facebook, twitter, etc.) on devices not owned by the school. And the school will not get involved in information posted by students or to students outside school hours.
- Students are not to use or have personally owned electronics out during school hours.
- The teacher will confiscate electronic items that are seen or heard. Items will be given back to the parent at the administration’s discretion.
- Items not owned by the school are not allowed to be on our network or wifi.
- Students cannot stream videos or music at school.
- They cannot play games or surf the web at school on any device, including school-owned devices, unless under specific teacher instruction.
- If students are caught using school electronics for personal reasons or posting to social media on their own devices, there will be cause for suspension or expulsion.
Computer Policy
- Students are not to alter software and settings.
- Software may not be copied without permission.
- Games may only be played at designated times, and only those games installed and/or approved by the school staff for student use may be played.
- The use of the Internet is to be used for educational reference and information only.
- If the student should see inappropriate language or graphics, it is the student's responsibility to immediately terminate the exposure and report the incident to the teacher.
- Students who repeatedly use computers inappropriately may be expelled.
Grades and Report Cards
Students have periodic evaluations to see if they are grasping the concepts they are being taught. Report cards are emailed home at nine-week intervals during the year. Parents can check FACTS any time to see student progress.
Standardized Tests
- The Woodcock Johnson test is used to assess reading and math levels each year.
Student Records
- A permanent cumulative file is maintained for each student.
- Files hold health records, progress reports, and standardized test results.
- We will release copies of the contents of the file to another school upon written request providing that the parent's financial obligations are current.
- Records will not be released if a parent is behind in payments. Please allow 2 weeks for records to be sent (after all payments are received).
- After the students have been withdrawn for a 5-year period, all records are destroyed.
Change of Status
- Whenever you experience a change in address, home phone, custody, work phone, carpool or enrollment, please change this info in FACTS and notify your child’s teacher immediately in writing by note or by email.
Field Trips
The school will offer various field trips throughout the year. Parent volunteers provide transportation for these trips. A field trip permission form with the parent’s signature must be returned to the teacher before a student's participation is permitted. Generally, there is a cost to parents for admission.
High School Honors Trip
Each year BCS plans a week-long honors trip. The trip costs about $500.
In order to qualify for the trip, high school students must:
- Have all A’s and B’s
- Be caught up in all classes
- Not be a consistent complainer
- Not wander off when in a group
- Have earned the trust of all teachers
- Have had no suspensions since the last trip
- Tuition and all other expenses must be current
- Turn in all paperwork and fees by the deadline
- Have good hygiene consistently and independently
- Not have more than 5 unexcused absences or tardies
- Be able and willing to follow teacher directions the first time every time
- Be able to tolerate others for an extended amount of time without meltdown
- Must be able to eat what everyone else eats or carry out special diets independently
- Be able to walk and tolerate physical exertion and heat for long strenuous distances
Fire and Tornado Drills
- Fire drills are conducted monthly during the school year. Tornado drills are conducted twice yearly.
- Students are expected to walk quietly and quickly and to follow the teacher's directions.
- You may celebrate your child’s birthday at school by bringing in a special snack (cupcakes, cookies, popcorn, etc.) to be eaten after lunch or at the end of the day.
Checking Out
- Adults must be listed on the pickup or carpool form, present identification, and sign out the student.
- If the adult is not authorized to pick up the student, they will be asked for a photo I.D., which will be photocopied.
- School personnel will then call the child’s parent or guardian for permission to release the student. If the parent cannot be reached, school personnel will check the file for a custody agreement. If necessary, proper authorities will be notified.
- A student will not be released to an unauthorized person without parental permission.
Staff members stay in contact with the use of walkie-talkies and cell phones.
Phone Numbers and Addresses
- A parent directory is available in FACTS.
- Parents wishing to not have their phone numbers and addresses published should change the setting in FACTS.
- All parents/guardians should supply the school with accurate and up-to-date information
Staff and Teacher Contacts
- Staff may be contacted by leaving a phone message, sending an email, or writing a note.
- Calls and emails will be returned during breaks or after school.
- Teachers and staff should not be contacted at home unless they have asked to be contacted at home and have personally given you their phone numbers.
Parent/Teacher Resolution Protocol
We encourage parents to share any concerns with their child’s teacher. The following guidelines apply:
- 1st: Parents should share concerns with their child’s teachers. The teacher should then acknowledge the concern and set up a time for a meeting with the parent to discuss possible solutions. The teacher may choose to receive counsel from another teacher or administrator before, during, or after the meeting.
- 2nd: If a parent follows this protocol and feels a resolution was not reached, he/she may then and only then schedule a meeting to discuss that concern with an administrator.
- 3rd: Teachers should keep the administration notified of ongoing concerns.
- 4th: Teachers should keep an ongoing record of parent-teacher interactions.
- Law requires Georgia Immunization Certification 3231. Failure to provide written documentation regarding your child’s immunization history for school records may result in penalties and fines for the school.
- While it is our desire that every child enters the school year as planned, no child may be admitted to classes without the required documentation.
- The form required under law is the Department of Human Health form 3231, 3300, and 3189.
- Form 3231 is the Certificate of Immunization.
- Form 3300 Certification of eye, ear and dental examination (dental section to be completed by your dentist).
- For students entering the sixth grade, Georgia law now requires Form 3189 (an additional dose of MMR vaccine) and the varicella vaccine or proof of immunity.
- Your child should see his/her pediatrician once a year for a well check-up until age seven, then every 1.5 – 2 years after that.
Attendance and Absence Policy
Children need to attend school daily in order to make steady academic progress, develop friendships and peer relationships, and function smoothly within the class routine. Please try to schedule all outside appointments after school when possible.
Excused Absences:
- Planned: doctor appointments, family travel, mission trips, and college visits (must be approved in advance).
- Unplanned: illness, family illness, bereavement (must send note the day the child returns). Please keep your child home when sick. A Doctor’s note will be required after the 10th absence.
After 10 absences, students may be required to attend summer school to complete classes to receive credit.
Guidelines to Follow:
- Children should be without fever (<99.5), vomiting, diarrhea, or runny noses (green or yellow mucus), and must have received treatment for strep and pink eye for 24 hours, and must be free of all mononucleosis symptoms and any nits from lice for 24 hours or more before returning to school.
- Children who develop these symptoms at school must be picked up from school.
- Children may return to school when all bumps from chicken pox are scabbed.
Prescription Medication
- Parents must complete and sign a medicine administration form, which will indicate the reason for administration, the medication, possible side effects, and physician to be called in case of reaction, and the dosage.
- The child is responsible for coming to the teacher for the proper administration of medication.
- Medication must be brought to school in the original container labeled by the pharmacy or physician with the student's name, physician's name, date of original prescription, name and strength of medication and directions for taking.
Non-Prescription Medications
- Parents must also indicate on the medication form that the child can be given over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Advil, or Benedryl.
- Non-prescription medications must be brought to school in their original container.
- No child shall possess prescription or non-prescription drugs during the school day. This includes any legal or illegal substance.
- An exception will be made for inhalers, epi-pens, and insulin for diabetics. However, the school must have prior written permission from the child’s parents/legal guardian and the physician.
- First Aid treatment will be rendered for minor injuries. Students who become ill during the day should inform their teachers, and the parents will be called.
- Should a child become injured (more than minor scrapes and bruises) during the day, parents will be notified.
- If parents cannot be reached, or if time is of the essence, school personnel will then call 911 or transport the child to a medical facility. The hospital of preference will be Kennestone unless instructed otherwise by emergency medical workers.
- Please provide the school with a copy of your insurance card, so that prompt treatment may be given to your child.
- Parents are responsible for keeping the school informed of changes in phone numbers and emergency contact information.
Crisis Intervention
- In the event of a crisis on campus, a teacher will call for help by walkie-talkie, school phone, or cell phone. Authorities will be summoned.
- All teachers will be notified to either lock down (lock classroom doors and remain inside until instructed otherwise) or evacuate (exit the building through the closest exit and stay on the playground or in the parking lot).
- Post Crisis Intervention: If a crisis occurs to one or more students on or off campus, someone from the school will contact parents by letter or by phone explaining what has occurred. Parents will be invited to come to school with their children the next morning.
- Counselors will talk with students and parents about the event.
- Counselors will monitor students and be available to students and parents with questions and concerns.
Visitor Safety Plan
- Visitors are required to enter through the door by the parking lot. Upon entering, visitors should go to the office, sign in, present identification, and sign out as they leave.
Recommended Reading for Parents
- Bellis, Teri James: When the Brain Can’t Hear
- Gardner, Howard: The Unschooled Mind, & Frames of Mind
- Jensen, Eric: Teaching with the Brain in Mind.
- Kranowitz, Carol Stock: The Out of Sync Child.
- Levine, Mel, All Kinds of Minds
- Shaywitz, Sally: Overcoming Dyslexia.
- Stevens, Laura: 12 Effective Ways to Help your ADD/ADHD Child: Drug Free Alternatives.
- Tobias, Cynthia. How They Learn.
- Wise, Jessie & Bauer, Susan Wise: The Well Trained Mind.
Student Behavior
Students will be responsible for learning self-control, self-direction, responsibility and cooperation. The school will work with the students and parents to help develop these characteristics. Good behavior is an important part of developing a healthy self-esteem.
General rules of conduct are as follows:
- Students are to be respectful to teachers by listening, following directions, and displaying a positive attitude. “Talking back” to an adult is not permitted.
- Students are to be respectful to other students by listening when another student is sharing in class, encouraging others and avoiding negative comments. Teasing of other students and/or calling names are not acceptable.
- Students are to be respectful of the rights and property of others.
- Students are expected to work to the best of their ability and complete all work assignments.
- Students will not be allowed to disrupt the learning environment for other students. Repeated violations will result in expulsion.
- Hitting, kicking, pushing, and other forms of physical violence and aggression are not permitted.
- Students are expected to accept responsibility for their behavior and accept the consequences for misbehavior.
- Depending on the situation, temporary or permanent removal from the school may be required.
- Logical and natural consequences will be used.
- If a student's behavior continues to be disruptive, the student will be suspended, then put on a 30-day probation period.
- After 30 days, the school administration will meet with the parents to determine if the student may continue at the school.
- Extremely disruptive behavior or behavior that causes injury to self or others may be cause for immediate expulsion from the school, without the benefit of a probationary period.
- The school is not designed to meet the needs of students with behavior disorders.
Financial Information:
Scholarships or discounts may be available to enrolled students in good financial and academic standing. The scholarship committee will also take into consideration the financial need of scholarship applicants. You must apply each year for each child. You may also apply for a low interest education loan through Sallie Mae. Our school ID for Sallie Mae is 607135.
- For information on state provided scholarships, go to
Under “Special Programs” click on “Georgia Special Needs Scholarship.” Click on “Calculate” under “Estimate Your Scholarship Award.” Print out your estimated amount. Fill out the “Parent Intent Form.” - Under “Special Programs” click on “Tax Credit Program.” This allows a tax credit for a donation to a private school. This donation goes toward tuition for students transferring from public schools.
Re-Admission Information
- By March of each school year, Brookwood Christian will email out Re-Enrollment information to our parents for students in good standing.
- A re-enrollment packet will include the Financial Contract, including any known discounts, as well as offer discounts for early enrollment, one-time payment options, etc.
- Re-enrollment deadlines will be communicated as we reach capacity so that new students can enroll if space is available.